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Education Opens Doors mentioned in Dallas Morning News article

In a recent Dallas Morning News opinion piece, “10 Crucial Decision Points in Your Child’s Education,” DMN Assistant Editorial Page Editor Elizabeth Souder cites critical points along a student’s educational journey, beginning in preschool.

As an organization committed to equity in education, EOD has explicitly stated our primary focus to open doors for middle school students from communities of color, low-income communities and future first generation college students.

“Even so, waiting until your student’s junior year to familiarize yourself with the system for paying for education is far too late,” writes Souder in a section dedicated to 11th grade. “Innovative programs like Education Opens Doors have mastered educating families and students from non-college backgrounds on the process beginning in middle school.”

We’re honored to have been recognized for our focus on middle school. Please head to the Dallas Morning News website to read the full article.

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