This month we celebrate two remarkable teachers, Ms. Vargas & Ms. Morehouse! Both are City Year AmeriCorps teachers in 8th grade math.
City Year and Education Opens Doors were looking for ways to leverage our potential for student impact at our common campuses. In a meeting with leadership, we established an easy way to help teachers facilitate lessons more smoothly as well as provide City Year Corps members an opportunity to practice teaching skills and work in small groups with students. Our plan is working!
Ms. Morehouse and Ms. Vargas pull out several students, selected by the classroom teacher, to partake in the exact same Roadmap lesson occurring in the regular classroom. Week after week, the two corps members plan the lesson together, and discuss conversation topics to ensure the most engaging lesson time possible. The two play off of their own experiences and are intentional about providing a safe space for students to ask as many questions as they can think of about the post secondary education process.
The sessions are always engaging, and it is obvious that both Ms. Vargas and Ms. Morehouse truly believe these students deserve access to the information the Roadmap to Success provides, and take seriously their opportunity to empower them with knowledge to make their educational dreams become a reality.
Name: Consuelo Vargas
School: Francisco “Pancho” Medrano Middle School
Current Role: City Year Dallas AmeriCorps in 8th grade Math
Alma Mater(s): University of North Texas at Dallas (2018)
Area of Study (major/minor): Mathematics
Favorite college memory: Getting A’s in my classes
Why you chose to enter the field of education: I chose this field because I love helping others. It isn’t only about teaching students how to solve for slope or find the author’s purpose, but getting to know them and helping them succeed in life. When I was a student in high school, I struggled to learn due to so many absences. I fell behind, but my teacher took the time to be there for me and work with me. Once the year was over, I received my grade of an A. I learned then that teaching is much more than standing at a board and going on and on about topics that students aren’t really interested in, but it is about struggling with the students and not leaving them behind.
Favorite Quote: Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. -Leo Buscaglia
Favorite Roadmap activity/lesson so far: Evaluating Post-Secondary Options
Name: Karianne Morehouse
School: Francisco”Pancho” Medrano Middle School
Current Role: City Year AmeriCorps member
Alma Mater(s): Chapman University
Area of Study (major/minor): major: Integrated Educational Studies, minor: English
Favorite college memory: Working on extracurricular projects that I was passionate about with people that I loved.
Why you chose to enter the field of education: I have always wanted to help people and I believe that education is a great way to empower others and lift up their voices.
Favorite Quote: “We are all horrible and wonderful and figuring it out.” -Harris Wittels
Favorite Roadmap activity/lesson so far: options after high school (trade, CC, four your university)
Congratulations to Ms. Vargas & Ms. Morehose, and thank you for your commitment to our program and to your students’ futures!